417 Results
Private Room in Friedrichshain, Berlin
710 € / month
Euronet, Revaler Straße, 10245 Berlin, Germany
5 rooms
Warm single bedroom near the Warschauer Straße train station
695 € / month
Revaler Straße 8, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Pleasant single bedroom near the Warschauer Straße train station
Drink o‘ mania, Revaler Straße, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Very cool single bedroom in Friedrichshain
Alluring double bedroom in residential Schmargendorf
680 € / month
Cunostraße 44A, 14193 Berlin, Germany
Fabulous double bedroom in Schmargendorf
730 € / month
Nice single bedroom in Prenzlauer Berg
675 € / month
Bornholmer Straße 17, 10439 Berlin, Germany
Welcoming double bedroom in Mitte
1240 € / month
Zimmerstraße 94, 98, 98A, 98B, 99, 99A, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Bright double bedroom near Hohenzollerndamm train station
800 € / month
Bed in a pleasant twin bedroom, in Adlershof
475 € / month
Hackenbergstraße 20, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Charming single bedroom in a 5-bedroom apartment in Wedding
815 € / month
Müllerstraße 55A, 13349 Berlin, Germany
Spacious double bedroom with TV and balcony in Moabit
670 € / month
Klara-Franke-Straße 16, 10557 Berlin, Germany
'Madita' - large old building apartment with 2 bedrooms in beautiful Wedding
2590 € / month
Malplaquetstraße 39, 13347 Berlin, Germany
Feel at home on this modern property!
3210 € / month
Presse Tabak / Hermes Paket Shop, Stettiner Straße 30, 13357 Berlin, Germany
Furnished 3-room apartment in stylish design Volkspark Friedrichshain central lift terrace/balcony
2690 € / month
Pufendorfstraße 7, 10249 Berlin, Germany
Luxuswohnung im Stil des 19. Jahrhunderts
6000 € / month
Chausseestraße 36, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Single bedroom in 5-bedroom apartment
650 € / month
Krumme Straße 4C, 12526 Berlin, Germany
Perleberger Straße, Berlin - Amsterdam Apartments for Rent
5265 € / month
Perleberger Straße 16, 10559 Berlin, Germany
Cozy 5 bedroom apartment in Berlin Friedrichshain, Berlin - Amsterdam Apartments for Rent
5500 € / month
milja und schäfa, Sonntagstraße 1, 10245 Berlin, Germany
Alluring single bedroom in a 5-bedroom apartment near Warschauer Straße transport station
44 Brekkie, Gabriel-Max-Straße 2, 10245 Berlin, Germany